Latest News
Our uniform supplier has opened an online store where Trailblazer families can purchase clothing or accessories for youth and/or adults. The link is here. This e-store is open until November 12th. Orders will be shipped, either to your home address with a charge or to rep teams for distribution, and received in December prior to…
Read MoreWe recognize the need for a proper recreation facility for Collingwood. The Town of Collingwood has teamed up with the Town of the Blue Mountains for a joint feasibility study to explore recreation needs for both municipalities and the surrounding area. For a major undertaking such as a multi use recreation facility, a feasibility study…
Read MoreAs of the spring of 2024, we have made arrangements to direct families interested in development programs to All Around Athletics, a new facility in Collingwood. As a strictly volunteer-based organization, the Collingwood Trailblazers are unable to meet the administrative and staffing requirements for these programs, while at the same time continuing to operate our expanding rep…
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